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Noname is now Akamai API Security. Learn about the new capabilities now available, and what it means for your defense.
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Automate data privacy and compliance

Protecting sensitive data is a top priority for CISOs and cybersecurity professionals due to the hefty fines and reputational damage that accompany data breaches. As more applications interact with personally identifiable information (PII), the probability of a breach increases exponentially. Without the right security controls in place, you leave yourself vulnerable to some serious consequences.

Stay compliant with data privacy laws

You need to know how many APIs you have

Without confidence in your API inventory and third-party connections, you have an unknown level of risk exposure to data breaches. You need to be assured your API security controls can demonstrate compliance. Which means the first step is knowing how many APIs you have.

Sensitive data can sprawl anywhere

All kinds of sensitive data traverse your APIs. Personally identifiable information (PII) like phone numbers, addresses, credit card information, health records, social security numbers, etc. Having an accurate inventory of your APIs goes beyond knowing how many you have. You also need to if your APIs are interacting with sensitive data types.

Regulatory fines can be costly

There are a myriad of regulatory bodies and statues organizations maintain compliance with as it relates to sensitive data. HIPAA, PCI-DSS, GPDR, CCPA, and PIPEDA, are all examples of regulations that organizations must be compliant with in relation to the sensitive information they collect and store. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in some very serious and costly penalties.

Data residency is non-negotiable

You need to ensure data residency to remain compliant with regulatory requirements regarding local discovery, analysis and identification of APIs. No critical data identified by your security tools should ever leave the perimeter of your cloud or on-prem environment.

Noname Security Can Help You (Tab to skip section.)

Noname Security Can Help You

Noname Security Discovery + Posture Management provides insight into sensitive data traffic, like credit card information, health records, and social security numbers, so you identify potential vulnerabilities and data leakage. Maintain compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, PIPL and other data privacy regulations.

API Discovery

Discover how many APIs you have no matter the type or configuration.

Data Classification

See how many APIs are able to access credit card data, SSNs, etc.

User Monitoring

Identify how many users accessed a particular data type over APIs.

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Get Started Now

Experience the speed, scale, and security that only Noname can provide. You’ll never look at APIs the same way again.