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Noname is now Akamai API Security. Learn about the new capabilities now available, and what it means for your defense.
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API Discovery

Discover your API attack surface

Gain wider visibility and deeper insights: finds APIs, domains, and related issues from both inside and outside your network perimeter, using intelligent data classification and context-aware analysis to create accurate, complete inventories.

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Find and inventory all your APIs

Noname provides wider visibility and deeper insights: finds APIs, domains, and related issues from both inside and outside your network perimeter. Use intelligent data classification and context-aware analysis to create the most accurate and complete inventories of all your APIs, including rogue APIs, zombie APIs, and shadow APIs.

Understand APIs in Rich Context

Identify how many APIs you have regardless of type or configuration. Search, tag, filter, assign, and export based on any attribute.

Protect Sensitive Data

Discover the types of sensitive data APIs can access and the number of users who have accessed sensitive data over your APIs.

Shrink Your Attack Surface

Discover the attack paths hackers can exploit without any integrations, installations, or implementations and eliminate weaknesses before they are exploited.

Complete API Visibility

Identify how many APIs you have and their type, including HTTP, RESTful, GraphQL, SOAP, XML-RPC, and JSON-RPC. Eliminate blind spots and uncover potential attack paths from the inside – including through existing systems like API Gateways, and WAFs – and from the outside – including detection of API key leakages, credential leakages, code exposure, and sensitive documentation exposure.

Full Context

Understand your APIs in rich context with visualizations of business logic, physical network infrastructure, and API traffic to understand specific interactions and behavior patterns. Trace call flows and see how systems and data connect to identify critical paths and hidden vulnerabilities.

Automatic Scans

Automatically scan your external attack surface at regular intervals to find vulnerabilities before the attackers do. Locate “shadow domains” and sub-domains that were previously unknown, unmanaged, or forgotten. Secure your customer data, PII, internal documentation, intellectual property, and more with automated protection against evolving threats.

Sensitive Data Identification

Our data classification capabilities provide visibility into the types of data that traverse your APIs. Quickly identify how many APIs can access credit card data, phone numbers, SSNs, and other sensitive data.

API Monitoring

API inventory is more than just the number. Gain visibility into which gateway the API passes through, when the API was last updated, the data type being accessed, and the number of users accessing the API.

API Discovery FAQs

What is API Discovery?

API discovery is the process of finding and cataloging APIs that are available for use in a particular environment. By having an up-to-date API inventory, organizations can better manage their security posture and quickly identify any potential risks associated with their APIs.

How does Noname discover all APIs?

Noname monitors load balancers, APIs gateways, and web application firewalls, and helps organizations inventory every type of API they have.

What is the benefit to API Discovery?

Scanning is essential to eliminate blindspots and identify critical issues beyond the boundaries of running APIs, including: leaked API keys and credentials, API code and schema exposure, infrastructure misconfigurations, as well as vulnerabilities in documentation, public repositories, shared workspaces, and more.

Do I need an API Discovery tool?

Executing an API audit manually can take up to 40 hrs per API to document all the necessary inputs that have to be accurately inventoried. And, once an API issue is identified, it can take substantial additional time to investigate the incident, determine severity, take corrective action, and conduct root cause analysis.In order to protect your entire API estate—and your business—you need to be able to discover all APIs in use of every type using automated processes.

Why is Noname Security the best company for API discovery?

Noname Security is trusted by 20% of the Fortune 500. With our industry leading API security platform, our customers generally discover 40% more APIs in their environment than originally anticipated.

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Get Started Now

Experience the speed, scale, and security that only Noname can provide. You’ll never look at APIs the same way again.