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Noname is now Akamai API Security. Learn about the new capabilities now available, and what it means for your defense.
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Security Testing

Deliver secure APIs faster with API security testing

Leave no API untested and Shift Left with API security testing. Add security into your CI/CD pipeline without sacrificing speed and ensure that APIs aren't implemented with security vulnerabilities.

Stop vulnerabilities before production and innovate faster (Tab to skip section.)

Stop vulnerabilities before production and innovate faster

Noname Security Active Testing is a purpose-built API security testing solution that understands your unique business logic and provides comprehensive coverage of API-specific vulnerabilities. Active Testing helps you shift left and bake API security testing into every phase of development.

Prevent Attacks

Reduce the risk of successful attacks without any changes to production infrastructure.

Remediate Faster

Accelerate remediation and lower remediation costs by up to 100x by finding and fixing issues earlier.

Improve Compliance

Improve compliance and avoid regulatory fines and reputational damage from incidents.

Eliminate Bottlenecks

Improve security without sacrificing velocity. Deliver secure code without having to become a security expert.

Optimize Testing

Reduce redundant pentesting and other third-party security testing costs with a proven solution.

Boost Confidence

Increase your organization’s confidence in APIs with continuous testing throughout the SDLC.

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Empower developers with best-in-class usability such as simple setup & automation, in-line test results, and contextual guidance for request failure mitigation.

Full Reachability

Leave no API untested with a unique ability to find and test every API based on an understanding of the application’s business logic.

Automatic Testing

Automatically run 150+ dynamic tests that simulate malicious traffic, including against the OWASP API Top Ten. Schedule tests to run automatically at desired intervals at any stage of development. Use real business logic to run tests and simulations, not fuzzing.

Easy CI/CD Integrations

Active Testing fully integrates with your existing continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines and tools, such as Jenkins and Postman, as well as all your ticketing and workflow tools such as ServiceNow, Slack, and Jira.

Full Context

Teams get dynamic API visibility across multiple states and environments throughout the CI/CD process. Import APIs from a wide range of sources with dynamic updates. Compare Swagger files to assess conformance, based on real implementation results.

Role-based Access Controls

Streamline testing with role-based access controls so only the right teams can access APIs for testing.

API Security Testing FAQs

What is API security testing?

API security testing is an important part of ensuring the safety and reliability of your web applications. It involves testing application programming interfaces (APIs) during development to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats. The goal is to ensure that APIs are protected from malicious attacks, data breaches, and other security incidents. Through API security testing, organizations can make sure that their APIs are secure and compliant with data privacy regulations.

How does API security testing protect me from attacks?

API security testing can identify vulnerabilities in your APIs before they’re exploited by attackers, helping you prevent data breaches. APIs are often used to access sensitive data, and by testing the APIs regularly, your organization can ensure that your environment is secure and protected from potential threats.

What is Shift-Left security testing?

Shift Left is an approach of moving a variety of tasks earlier in the development process. This means that tasks that are traditionally done at a later stage of the operations should instead be performed at earlier stages–particularly those related to API security and software testing.

Shift-Left vs Shift-Right security testing?

Shift-left security approach moves testing to the left on the timeline, so the team performs tests earlier and more often in the life cycle. In contrast, a shift-right approach considers testing in production with real users to be more useful.

Should we use Active Testing with other Noname products?

Yes, Active Testing should be used in parallel with the other modules from the Noname API Security platform. Active Testing is a tool to help uncover vulnerabilities with APIs pre-production, whereas our API Discovery, Posture Management, and Runtime Protection modules are for protecting APIs in production.

Is Active Testing right for my needs?

The earlier you catch security vulnerabilities, the better. From both a cost perspective and remediation angle, it is much easier to correct issues during the development process of the API than after it has been released into production and is being actively used. Active Testing allows organizations to more confidently and efficiently deliver applications to the business and remain competitive securely.

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Get Started Now

Experience the speed, scale, and security that only Noname can provide. You’ll never look at APIs the same way again.