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What is JSON-RPC?

What is JSON-RPC?

Harold Bell
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JSON-RPC facilitates cross-application function invocation. It employs a JSON message format with method, params, and id elements for procedure calls. Its simplicity, compactness, and protocol flexibility make it ideal for various network constraints. JSON-RPC’s client/server model offers data-handling flexibility, making it preferred for specific use cases like blockchain and Web3 applications.

JSON-RPC, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Remote Procedure Call (RPC), is one of several methods in use today that enables a software application to invoke functionality from another application. It is broadly comparable to SOAP and XML-RPC. JSON-RPC has its advantages and continues to be a wise choice for interoperation between software programs in many use cases.

Overview of JSON

Understanding JSON-RPC starts with JSON itself. JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format, meaning it exists in text form and does not need to be compiled to be interpreted. It is lightweight, which makes it suitable as a messaging format that can transfer data quickly. JSON messages are readable by humans, which is helpful for developers who work with it. JSON functions by breaking data, no matter how intricately mapped, into a manageable structure. This process makes it easy for multiple programming languages to process the data.

For these reasons, JSON is considered superior to Extensible Markup Language (XML). Indeed, since its launch in the early 2000s, JSON has essentially replaced XML as the messaging format for Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and RPCs. It’s better at representing strings, numbers, values, and collections.

What is JSON-RPC?

JSON-RPC uses the JSON message format to create procedure calls. Using JSON-RPC, an application can send a message to another app requesting that it perform a function, such as the processing of data. With JSON’s strong capabilities in data description, this usually works well. It’s an open, globally identified protocol.

A JSON-RPC request message can contain three possible elements: The method, which is a string that names the method to be invoked; params, which are objects or arrays of values that get passed along as parameters to the destination app; and id, a string or number that matches the response with the request that it is replying to.

The app that receives the JSON-RPC request proceeds to issue a response. The response includes a result, which is the data generated by the invoked method, and the request/response ID. It may also include an error if there is a problem with the receiving app.

Benefits of JSON-RPC

JSON-RPC is known for its simplicity. Developers like to use it when they want to build an uncomplicated RPC relatively quickly. Given the reality that the more complex a piece of code gets, the more problems it will cause, simple is usually a good direction to take. It’s compact and lightweight, which is helpful in bandwidth or computing-constrained situations. JSON-RPC also defines network constraints that might affect data processing. It’s protocol-agnostic, so it can use transports like TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, or even Unix domain sockets for its app-to-app interactions. Developers consider the built-in request/response matching ID field to be a benefit, as well.

When to use JSON-RPC

Certain use cases favor JSON-RPC. Ironically, its “out of date” client/server architecture makes it advantageous in some situations. For one thing, JSON-RPC’s client/server setup has more flexibility for handling data than the architecture of RESTful APIs. If state is important, the server in the JSON-RPC setup can keep track of the state. JSON-RPC is also useful in cases when an immediate response is not required. For example, developers can set up a JSON-RPC to handle a queue of future actions. These factors contribute to JSON-RPC being a preferred RPC tool for blockchain and Web3 applications.

JSON-RPC vs GraphQL and gRPC

Developers and architectures tend to compare JSON-RPC with GraphQL and gRPC, though a better comparison might be with XML-RPC. However, given the current interest in GraphQL and gRPC, it’s worth taking a moment to contrast these two interoperability frameworks with JSON-RPC.

GraphQL is a query language and server-side runtime technology. Originally developed by Facebook a decade ago, GraphQL is used to fetch and transmit data to APIs. GraphQL is known for being easy to learn and easy to use. Developers consider it easy to integrate with a development environment—a big plus in some organizations. It’s comparable to JSON-RPC in this sense. Unlike JSON-RPC, GraphQL makes APIs faster and more flexible. Ultimately, GraphQL is not primarily a vehicle for RPCs.

gRPC is a remote procedure call framework, but it’s different from JSON-RPC on several levels. Known for being very fast and efficient with computing and network resources, gRPC uses a server-side API call to pass the procedure call’s parameters through a protocol buffer. The buffer turns the parameters into compact binaries that save space and bandwidth. It also speeds up the procedure call.

gRPC also uses an HTTP/2 connection to the server. There are several advantages to this approach, as well as limitations. HTTP/2 is great for fast exchanges of messages. It can also multiplex and stream messages, which is amazing for certain high-traffic and complex use cases. However, HTTP/2 is not available for regular web browsers—a major limitation.

JSON-RPC differs from REST, gRPC, and GraphQL. Each has its best fit. JSON-RPC remains a viable option for remote procedure calls for many use cases, especially those that favor simplicity and the advantages of the client/server model.


How does JSON-RPC handle errors?

To understand how JSON-RPS handles errors, you must first understand what JSON is. JSON, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation, is a messaging format that can transfer data. Now, what is RPC and what does RPC stand for? RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and is a method that enables software to use another application’s functionality.

JSON-RPC handles errors by incorporating an error object in the response, providing crucial information when an issue occurs. This error object contains an error code and a descriptive message, offering clarity on the nature of the error. JSON-RPC’s structured error handling ensures efficient troubleshooting and resolution during API interactions. Ensuring robust error-handling mechanisms is an important aspect of API security, contributing to a more secure and reliable JSON-RPC communication process.

Is JSON-RPC suitable for real-time applications?

JSON-RPC, designed for request-response communication, can be adapted for real-time applications with thoughtful design and optimizations. While it’s not inherently suited for real-time scenarios, its flexibility allows such use cases. 

Implementing WebSocket-based solutions tailored to real-time needs can enhance performance. JSON-RPC’s structured data interchange format accommodates real-time considerations when appropriately configured. For secure real-time interactions, integrate robust API authentication mechanisms into JSON-RPC implementations, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality in dynamic, responsive applications.

How does JSON-RPC compare to RESTful APIs?

JSON-RPC and RESTful APIs differ fundamentally in communication style. JSON-RPC uses Remote Procedure Calls (RPC), and REST focuses on resource-based interactions. JSON-RPC utilizes JSON for data exchange, while REST supports both XML and JSON. Architecturally, REST adheres to constraints like statelessness and a uniform interface, promoting simplicity. In contrast, JSON-RPC offers a more direct, method-driven approach. 

While both have merits, understanding the nuances between JSON-RPC and REST API, in terms of their communication styles, message formats, and architectural principles, can help you choose the most fitting solution for specific application requirements.

Can JSON-RPC be secured?

Yes. To secure JSON-RPC, you must employ standard security measures such as HTTPS for encrypted transport to safeguard data in transit. Utilize authentication mechanisms like OAuth or JWT to verify the identity of parties communicating. Implement authorization controls to restrict access to sensitive operations or resources, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality. 

For a comprehensive security approach, explore Noname Security’s API Security Platform. Request a demo to discover how Noname’s security testing module can fortify your JSON-RPC-based applications by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities to ensure a robust and secure API ecosystem.

Harold Bell

Harold Bell was the Director of Content Marketing at Noname Security. He has over a decade of experience in the IT industry with leading organizations such as Cisco, Nutanix, and Rubrik, and has been featured as an executive ghostwriter in Forbes Technology Council and Hacker News.

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