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Introducing Recon to Stay Ahead of Attackers

Cameron Galbraith
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API security can feel impossible to master. That’s because you need to know how many APIs you have, the types of data they touch, how to keep them safe from attacks, and how to test them for misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. All while keeping an accelerated pace for development and deployment.

However, even when all those bases are checked, you can still be vulnerable to cyber attacks. How exactly? Well, many API security solutions are focused on the inside-out, ensuring your internal systems are secure. But there are also public blindspots that these tools aren’t looking for. Public issues like API key and credentials leakages, API code and schema exposure, and API infrastructure misconfigurations.

Organizations with loose documentation standards can also leave themselves vulnerable as public resources can contain sensitive information. Sensitive data that hackers can’t wait to exploit. Take the recent AstraZeneca credentials exposure, for example, where a developer accidentally left credentials to an internal server on GitHub. The environment contained sensitive patient data that could have been exploited if not discovered when it was. This highlights the need for a new outside-in capability that enables organizations to proactively identify security gaps that are open to the public.

For that reason, Noname Security is proud to announce the launch of Recon. Recon empowers organizations to stay ahead of attackers by simulating attacker reconnaissance to rapidly find and fix issues without any integrations, installations, or implementations. Now you can audit your API attack surface and quickly discover the attack paths available to cybercriminals.

Find vulnerabilities without installing anything

Recon automatically scans your external attack surface at regular intervals to find vulnerabilities before attackers do. Monitor for changes in APIs, domains, and developer activity to build a complete and current inventory of publicly accessible assets. Locate shadow domains and subdomains that were previously unknown, unmanaged, or forgotten. And do all of this without any integrations, installations, or implementations.

Fix issues quickly

Beyond identifying issues, Recon helps eliminate weaknesses before they can be exploited. It prioritizes threats and allows you to make smart, informed decisions about which issues to remediate first. How? Well with Recon, you can categorize vulnerabilities by severity and align with your organization’s risk tolerance and desired security posture. Create custom workflows to take action immediately. Now you can resolve high-severity issues in hours, instead of weeks or months.

Prevent breaches

By addressing your public vulnerabilities with this outside-in approach, you can avoid expensive regulatory fines and reputational damage. Rest easy knowing your customer data, internal documentation, and intellectual property is secure. You even extend protection to customers by easily finding vulnerabilities that they may accidentally create.

Request a Demo

Pretty cool right? We thought so too. You can get a glimpse of everything mentioned above with a personalized demo from one of our solution architects. If you’re interested, you can register here.